Geochemical equipment
ИПБ-280-03M allows you to control the following drilling parameters:
Block position
Bit position over bottom hole
Bottom hole
Hook weight
Weight on the bit
Rotor torque
Drilling progres
Drilling speed
Entry flow
Exit flow
Manifold pressure
Мud weight
Balance Fill up
Total content of light and heavy gases
The number of sensors required to perform work for each well is determined jointly with the Customer.
It is possible to equip other sensors at the request of the Customer, depending on the tasks.
In general, the station allows you to control more than 140 parameters obtained both instrumental and calculated.
The speakerphone system (up to 4 subscribers) is designed to provide speakerphone at remote sites of the customer.
It consists of PGU-B-01 base units, PGU-V-02 remote unit and an explosion-proof device with a loudspeaker (bell) with a microphone for placement on the rig.
Key Benefits:
Chromatograph "chromoplasts" is intended for operational continuous determination of the component composition of hydrocarbons in gas mixtures during gas logging while drilling oil and gas wells in the field. The composition of certain hydrocarbons includes: methane, ethane, propane, isobutane, butane, isopentane and pentane.
The selection of the analyzed gas occurs automatically according to a given cycle.
The minimum cycle time of the chromoplast chromatograph is 65 seconds.
Two-channel gas analysis equipment
(AGAT-NEO total gas analyzer) is intended for determining the percentage of methane and heavy hydrocarbons in the air-gas mixture coming from the degasser to the station for analysis, as well as for transmitting information about the gas content to the station collection system.
The continuous degasser (float) ГП-1 is designed for continuous selection of free gas from a portion of the drilling fluid stream at the well outlet.
Made of stainless steel sheet and contains a housing mounted on two floats with the ability to adjust the depth of immersion in the drilling fluid. A radiator-type heat exchanger is mounted on the casing for condensation of the drilling fluid vapor inside the casing, a degasser and devices for attaching it to the walls of the gutter.
For automatic and continuous monitoring in air of pre-explosive concentrations of combustible gases and / or concentrations of toxic gases safe for humans and / or ambient temperature, the RTI Helios station is equipped with a VARTA 1-03 Signaling Device with the possibility of connecting from 1 to 4 introduced analog gas and temperature sensors.
If the permissible concentrations of monitored gases in the air and / or air temperature are exceeded, the WARTA 1 signaling device provides light and sound alarms, electrical signals to external actuators and electrical circuit switching
QRAE is a programmable multichannel gas detector designed for continuous monitoring by employees working in hazardous locations of oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide and combustible gases.
Meets IP68 requirements.
The Pac 5500 hydrogen sulphide gas analyzer is specially developed by Dräger to perform work in harsh industrial environments. Shockproof rubber casing provides reliable protection against external mechanical stress and corrosive chemicals. The gas analyzer meets the requirements of IP68.
Set of frac sit
Designated for filing drill cuttings for overall fractions and preparation of cuttings up to grade
The number of screens in the set, pcs 5
The size of the cells (holes) of the bottom of the sieve, mm 0.25; 1.0; 3.0; 5.0; 7.0
Shell diameter, mm 200
Shell and pallet height, mm, no more than 63
Weight, kg, no more than 1.2
MBS-9 microscope with an additional digital microscope for visual viewing and photographing drill cuttings, core and thin sections in reflected and transmitted light with magnification up to 100 times.
Carbon meter (calcimeter) microprocessor KUM-2
It is intended for separate determination of the content of calcite, dolomite, siderite and insoluble residue in crushed samples (core, drill cuttings) of rocks.
The device can work autonomously without a PC. The percentages of calcite, dolomite and siderite are displayed on the LCD with the calibration factor.
The luminoscope is intended for visual diagnostics of capillary extracts, as well as drill cuttings and core in order to determine the presence and nature of the distribution of bituminous substances in them when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
The work is based on the properties of oil, asphaltenes and other bitumoids fluorescent when irradiated with ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of 365 nm, created by a special source.
Аналізатор нафтонасичення АН-2
Призначений для визначення концентрації нафти і бітуму в зразках гірських порід (керн, шлам), типу насиченого флюїду (газоконденсат, легка нафта, важка нафта), коефіцієнта залишкової нафтонасиченості пласта.
Робота аналізатора АН-2 побудована на основі поглинання вуглеводнями, отриманими в результаті екстракції подрібненої гірської породи чотирихлористого вуглецем електромагнітного випромінювання певної довжини хвилі (3,42 мкм), причому інтенсивність поглинання залежить від кількісного вмісту вуглеводнів в зразку гірської породи.
Термовакуумний дегазатор –ДТМ-2
Призначений для визначення залишкової газонасиченості проб промивної рідини і бурового шламу.